Monday, July 9, 2012

Crystal Makeover Of The Crystal Symphony

Built in 1992, crystal symphony started its services in 1995 and since then it has been a paradise on water. It has gone certain refitting and makeovers since then. Recently it has completed its two week makeover on June 12, 2012 and is now standing tall and beautiful with almost all the facilities and amenities. With a Norwegian captain, the dining area of the ship has the European hospitality staff and international crew makes Crystal Symphony to hose 922 gusts in its single trip.

Artemide Mesmeri And Nesso Gives Your Spaces A New Look

Artemide Nesso

It has everything for its guests from decks to staterooms, penthouse, public areas, computer lab, spas, and tennis courts. The accommodation and the exteriors have been decorated with artemide Nesso and artemide mesmeri. Artemide Mesmeri lamps are the wall lamp which is used for indirect lighting has enhances the silhouette and shimmering elegance of the crystal symphony here and hence complementing the word crystal used in its name. Artemide mesmeri hides the light source inside its body giving it a new look and tricking with the light. Artemide Nesso illuminates direct and diffused light. These lamps were designed by an Italian designer in 1967 and today they are being used in the Crystal symphony makeover to give its interiors a soothing and crystal ambience.

Artemide Nesso

The fitness area and the recreation centre have the trained instructors to help you play or enjoy better. If you had a dream of learning piano in your childhood, you can live that dream on the crystal symphony with the trained and certified Yamaha instructor who will guide you with in your lessons. So you don’t just sail on the water, you can play piano on the water. Coming to the some physical exercises then you can try your hand on tennis with your fellow passengers in singles and doubles matches. Or you can simply indulge yourself in various treatments and therapies at the spas present on the Crystal symphony and rejuvenate your senses. The detailing of lights in these areas has again been done using artemide nesso and artemide mesmeri.

Artemide Mesmeri

The two weeks makeover will now give more comfort and even more amazing experience, to the passengers, on the Crystal symphony with all the facilities and amenities such as avenue saloons, “junior cruisers” area, movie theatre, public are, recreation and fitness centres and a lot more.

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